道場聖刊      經典寶藏


2021-04-13 23:05:42

2.  Why Do We Need to acquire the message of Tao?

『道』究竟是什麼?竟然可以讓孔子贊嘆說:「朝聞道,夕死可矣!」,也就是說:「能透徹宇宙間萬事萬物的道理,能無為而無所不為,見到自己的佛,返復自然,即使人生如曇 花一現,也了無遺憾」。

What exactly is Tao? It let Master Confucious praised and marvelled, “If one learned about Tao in the morning, would have no regret even if one passed away in the evening.' In other words, if one understands the truth of all things and beings in the Universe; can handle all things naturally, just follow the Buddha nature within. In that case, one has no regrets even if short-lived as the flower Epiphyllum.

老子說:「大道無形,生育天地;大道無情,運行日月;大道無名, 長養萬物。」。因此我們得知,『道』就是無極的真理,就是天地造化的根源,就是萬物生生不息的總元素。『道』在儒家稱之為「天命」,佛家謂之「金剛」、「如是」,道家稱之「谷神」、「性」、「物」、「精」等,稱呼祂的名字雖然很多,但指的都是這個生化一切萬物的源頭。

     Lao-tze said, 'The Great Tao is formless and created Heaven and Earth; the Great Tao is not sentimental, it runs the sun and moon; the Great Tao has no a name, yet it nurtures all things. Thus, the Great Tao is the eternal  truth; it is the source for the creation of Heaven and Earth;it is the constituent element of all the everlasting beings. In Confucianism, Tao is called the 'Heavenly Mandate’. In Buddhism, it is described as the 'Golden Diamond' as in Diamond Sutra, ‘such-ness’. The Taoists call it 'Spirit of the Valley ', 'nature’, 'matter' or 'essence' etc. Although it is named by many names, they all refer to the origin of all things.


The function of Tao between human and all things can be clearly understood.


When ‘Tao’ is bestowed on a man, it becomes ‘Nature’ in the man. During copulation, a father's sperm (Yang) meets mother's blood (Yin), join in ‘One’, the embryo. It is the essence of ‘Tao’, or the ‘Nature’ in the new born life. The ‘Tao’ is the ‘Nature’ in the foetus.  Without this Tao bestowed on human, he will not survive. In other words, a man is able to live because of this Tao or the <element of Heaven> inside. Therefore, we say, “With nature man lives. Without nature man dies.” Because of this element, man himself is equipped with the <qi> in the five  elements, wood, fire, earth, metal and water. Hence, man's body, hair and skin, muscles, flesh and bones; internal organs, belly, eyes, ears, mouth, nose, hands and feet including the nerves and sixth sense are produced. Let us take a good look at the natural world: the hills, rivers, oceans, rainbow, flowers and grass, plants and trees are all filled with the infinite subtleties of changes. Even the finest craftsmen are unable to create such living things. These are the function of Tao. Thus, we should be aware that the function of Tao is the utmost sacred and holy, unique and irreplaceable. 


In that case, since Tao exists in each and everyone of us, why do we still need to acquire the message of Tao?


According to the Sutra of Nine Lotus, “Our nature is Tao. But we lost it because our mind became judgemental knowledge of good and evil, and we had to be awakened and realize it again. We did not get a new ‘Tao’ at all.”  

【聖經舊約創世記2:16:「 耶和華神吩咐他說、園中各樣樹上的果子、你可以隨意喫。」創世記2:17:「只是分別善惡樹上的果子、你不可喫、因為你喫的日子必定死。」】


As stated in the book of Genesis of the Holy Bible, Gen 2:16, “And the LORD God commanded the man, "You may freely eat of every tree of the garden; “  Gen 2:17, “but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall die."}



At birth, the inner essence of man in his natural state “One”, is named “Tao”, which is developed at the Mistic Portal. The innate quality “One” of Tao disseminated into many different entities. It takes ten months for the fetus in mother's womb to get fully developed physically. With a cry, a new-born baby is born. When the umbilical cord was cut off the baby, the innate energy retreats and the postnatal energy of Yin and Yang gets in through the mouth and nose. The new born baby pertains the original nature and cries when he is hungry and throws a tantrum when he is uncomfortable. This is his innate tendency which is natural, free from the judgemental thoughts of good and evil. It is what the Confucian school refers to; one's nature, mind and body are consistently harmonious accordingly. Taoist school is; “the prevalence of the Great Tao.” Everything is natural, neither pretentious nor delusional.


However, with the advance of knowledge, man gradually follows the judgemental mind, succumbing to temptations of good taste and appearance. As the six roots (eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, sense) tempted by and attached to the six causes of impurities (color, sound, smell, taste, touch, thoughts). By following their desires, constrained by their greediness, they would gradually get lost from their original nature, let go their conscience and get lost. Henceforth, we lost our pure innocent heart when we were born.  We will go through the suffering of life and death, unaware of where we originally came from, and where to return upon death. 


In the Classics of Nine Lotus, the Patriarch clearly reveals why man fell in reincarnation, “Life and death is a major issue; yet man are unaware of the two types of sources; One is the natural and tranquil source with no beginning.  Two  is the seeds of continuous reincarnation.”


Therefore, we have to realize that Tao is within us, we ourselves are originally Buddha. Whatever actions originated from our mind were all innocently pure, free of evil. In the distant past, everyone lived in Tao, just follow the original nature naturally. However, ever since sixty thousand years ago, we forgot our original nature. Now, as we follow our temperament and polluted mind, fell into four ways of birth and six domains of samsara, revolving time and again. Therefore, the purpose of acquiring the message of Tao today is to return to the original pure nature, live according to the truth and conscience. 


However, to recover that ultimate good mind is not easy! Fortunately, the Universal Salvation has been opened to the world as the Tao descended to household level. Under the guidance of the present Patriarch with the Truth, let us understand the origin of our true selves, our morality and conscience. Thus, we will live according to the Truth, neither be bonded by life and death, nor be subjected to the four ways of birth and six domains of samsara. With a clear and serene mind, after one's lifetime, one can then return to our Heavenly Mother in Heaven. Indeed, this is the reason why we have to acquire the message of Tao.