道場聖刊      經典寶藏


2020-10-08 16:20:12

The Mandated Patriarch is respectful and precious


A strong horse can run as far as thousand miles, it cannot run to its best potential without an expert rider like Bo Le to rein and lead.  A person has superb talent and soaring ambition cannot succeed without the trend or fortune at the right time.  For the same token, a person sincerely devoted to Tao, without the authentication of a Living Patriarch, he or she is unable to attain enlightenment, returns to the original nature, and transcends life and death.


Three thousand years ago, Confucius, an eminent saint of His time, was respectively recognized as Supreme Sage and Foremost Teacher, had to seek advice from Lao Zi and attained the authentication.  Buddha Sakyamuni attained the holy seal from Dipamkara Buddha (Ancient Lantern Buddha), became enlightened and achieved the Buddhahood.  Why do we have to get the authentication of a Living Patriarch to transcend life and death?  Because, it is said, “Do not discuss about our original nature in the absence of a Living Teacher.” (Original nature can never be comprehended at our knowledge or six senses level.)  Only a mandated Living Teacher can transmit the true authentic way of spiritual salvation, perform authentication for the disciples, open the door to eternal life.  Therefore, the Living Patriarch is the essential key to return to Tao.  He is the life of disciples.  If we want to free ourselves and become immortal, we must formally acknowledge the mandated Living Patriarch as our teacher for proper guidance.


What are the reasons for a Living Patriarch to let the disciples free themselves and elevate to Heaven?  Because the Living Teacher accumulated “Tao is true, Principle is true, Heavenly Mandate is true” all three true qualifications.  Due to this “Three authentic qualifications” in the Living Patriarch, all sages, Buddha, immortals, spirits in the three world (Haven, Earth, and human) devote their efforts to protect and support the mandated Living Patriarch, and follow orders of the Living Patriarch.


道 真:大道本來就存在,是生天生地生萬物的總元素,道若不真,天地不能生萬物。

理 真:一代祖師已經透徹天地造化中,有形無形的真理,祂是真理的化身,所以能為修子傳道、授業、解惑,這就是理真。


What does it mean by Tao is true? Principle is true? Heavenly Mandate is true?

( 1 ) Tao is true: Great Tao was, is and will always exist.  It is the original essence which created Heaven, Earth, and all things in the Universe.  If Tao is not true, nothing can be created between Heaven and Earth.

( 2 ) Principle is true: The Living Patriarch is aware of the natural truth, both tangible and intangible.  The Living Patriarch is the incarnation of Truth.  Therefore, the Living Patriarch propagates the message of Tao to the world, how to practice according to Tao, and answer people’s questions about the truth.  That is the reason why we say, “Principle is true”.

( 3 ) Heavenly Mandate is true: The precious of Great Tao is its Golden Line Tao Lineage from generation to generation “Only transmit essence of spirit from Buddha to Buddha, Privately pass on the divine nature heart to heart from Patriarch to Patriarch.”  If the Golden Line Tao Lineage is not extended by the Heavenly mandate, he or she cannot execute authentication for disciples.  This is why Heavenly Mandate has to be true.


Thus, “Tao is true, Principle is true, Heavenly Mandate is true” all three are inter-related and equally important.  If the Tao delivered is truth, but the Principle of truth cannot be fully explained, then the Principle is not true.  If the Golden Line Tao Lineage is not extended by the Heavenly mandate from generation to generation, the Heavenly Mandate is not true.  Therefore, any one of the “Three Trues” is not true, it is impossible to let disciples transcending life and death.  That is the reason why Mandated Patriarch respectful and precious.


To talk about Golden Line Tao Lineage, let us understand the history of Tao Lineage from ancient to present


The Green Era began from Sage Fu Xi, Yellow Emperor, Yao, Shun, Yu, Wen, Wu, Zhou Gong, etc. is known as the Line of Golden Lineage.


Red Era began in India with Buddha Sakyamuni, to Mo He Jia She, Ananda, all the way to the 28th generation Bodidharma, Heavenly times lost the ground in India and turned to the East, the Tao of Lao Zi returned to China.  Bodidharma pass on the Patriarch Lineage to Shen Guan as the 2nd Patriarch, continued to Shen Can as the 3rd, Dao Xin as the 4th, Hong Ren the 5th, Hui Neng the 6th.  All of the Patriarchs from Sakyamuni to Hui Neng were recorded in Buddhist history.


        釋迦從我絕宗風    儒家得我正法通

        三期末後收圓事    正心誠意合中庸  

After the 6th Patriarch Hui Neng, Tao went to household level.  It turned into a Confucian way to cultivate at home, Tao initiation offered to all ordinary people.  The following libretto by the 6th Patriarch Hui Neng clearly brought up the point;

“The way of Buddhist preaching ends from me, just follow Confucian teachings for the True Dharma.  To work out the goal of Total Harmony throughout the last Era (White Era); exercise righteous mind and sincerity of the doctrine of mean.”


This libretto told us that after the Sixth Patriarch Hui Neng, the Great Tao will not be transmitted in Buddhist temples anymore.  From that time on, the Confucian School emerged and only the people cultivated at home qualify for Tao initiation.  We have to exercise the ultimate sincerity of wisdom to cultivate and maintain a righteous way to accomplish Total Harmony during the Last Era or White Era.  


 Ever since Sixth Patriarch, Tao lowered to household level, cultivation took place at home.  The Patriarchs passed on from generation to generation.  The True Dharma is transmitted heart-to-heart along the Patriarchs’ Golden Lineage.  It is beyond the comprehension of any form of words or religious scripts.  The 16th Patriarch, Liu Qing Xu, was the last Patriarch of Red Era.  It turned to White Era and the 17th Patriarch, Lu Zhong Yi, became the 1st Patriarch of White Era.

所以現今就是白陽正法應運的時期,一脈心法延續至今,現由白陽第三代祖師  圓普老祖師、  淨蓮祖師繼承,傳授修子們超生了死之道,為修子開啟歸鄉之路。

Therefore we are now in the White Era.  The True Lineage is extended to the Third Patriarchs of White Era, Yuan Pu and Jing Lian, serving the way to transcend life and death, paved the way for all disciples to the homeland.

白陽第三代祖 圓普老祖師、  淨蓮祖師乃集天命、大人、聖人三者於一身,在介紹祂們之前,我們先將白陽期道統傳承作個介紹:

The Third Patriarchs of White Era, Yuan Pu and Jing Lian, maintain the virtues of Heavenly Mandate, Man of Great honor, and Sage.  Before the introduction of the Third Patriarchs, we would like to introduce the Tao Lineage of White Era first;

白陽期乃 彌勒古佛掌天盤,萬八道脈,水火二精子掌道盤,為萬八秋期普度收圓一大主持:

During White Era, Ancient Buddha Maitreya heads the Heavenly Order of the Tao Lineage for 10,800 years.  Buddha of Fire and Water radicals head the order on Earth, they incarnate themselves as two mortals ceaselessly, in order to continue the lineage for 10,800 years at household level, thus accomplishing the Total Harmony of the world.






White Era, 1st Patriarch: Lu Zhong Yi, born in Shan Dong, incarnate of Maitreya Buddha

White Era, 2nd Patriarch, Zhang Tian Ran, born in Shan Dong, incarnate of Ji Gong Gu Fo, whose original soul is from the Buddha of Fire radical.

White Era, 2nd Patriarch, Sun Hui Ming, born in Shan Dong, incarnate of Ye Hui Bodisattivea, whose original soul is from the Buddha of Water radical. 

 White Era, 3rd Patriarch, Cheng Yuan Pu, Taiwanese, incarnate of Yuan Xin Gu Fo, whose original soul is from the Buddha of Fire radical.

White Era, 3rd Patriarch, Lai Jing Lian, Taiwanese, incarnate of Ze Lu Guan Yin, whose original soul is from the Buddha of Water radical.

正法從六祖後儒家應運,降於火宅,道脈傳至十三祖楊還虛徐還無二位祖師,替眾生頂劫,十二祖便另選五行祖代掌道盤。五行祖其中的火祖,名叫陳火精,乃赤精古佛的化身,執掌五行火部之盤,後來為眾生頂劫,頭懸漢陽府門上示眾,頂劫前誓願「無世不出、度盡群生」而上證無上正等正覺佛位,佛號  圓性古佛,今世又轉生為白陽三祖,即為  圓普老祖師。

After the 6th Patriarch, the Confucian School emerged to preach the True Dharma as it went to household level.  13th Patriarchs, Yang Hai Xi and Xu Hai Wu, sacrificed their lives to shoulder all the calamities and catastrophes of all beings.  The 12th Patriarch had to choose five Patriarchs incarnated from the five element radicals, wood, fire, metal, water, earth radicals.  Patriarch of Fire radical, Chen Huo Jin, incarnate of Che Jin Gu Fo, heading the fire element section. He was executed and they hung His head over the gate of Han Yang City to shoulder all the catastrophes and calamities of the beings.  Before the execution, He pledged and vowed to “reincarnate successively to save all beings”.  He was then authenticated to be the honorable Yuan Xing Gu Fo, currently reincarnate as the White Era 3rd Patriarch, Yuan Pu Senior Patriarch.



    Patriarch Jing Lian is the incarnate of Ze Lu Guan Yin, whose original soul is Zheng Fa Ming Ru Lai.

A couplet we are all familiar states, “Look at our own nature while we are in a violet bamboo forest.  Stay at the white lotus seat the original nature flow.”  This couplet confirms that Patriarch of Water radical and Patriarch of Fire radical will work together in its continuity throughout White Era with no interruption.


The couplet clearly testified the predicted allegoric message regarding the Patriarchs of White Era.   In the past, people thought the couplet was describing the Heavenly Portal, violet bamboo represents eye brows and white lotus as white teeth in the mouth.  It really doesn’t mean that.


Violet and white in the couplet represent the diagram numbers.  Those who understand the diagrams in Yi Jing (The Book of Changes) know that violet is “Li” house in the Nine House system.  Its direction is South, its Qi (Energy) is fire.  White is “Kan” house in the Nine House system.  Its direction is North, its Qi (Energy) is water.  Violet represents Fire.  White represents Water.  It describes that White Era is the era of Water and Fire Patriarchs.  Bamboo forest represents the places where Tao practice are held.  Therefore, the true meaning of ‘Look at our own nature while we are in a violet bamboo forest’ is, “Intuitively understand the True Dharma from the present Patriarch incarnate of the Buddha of Fire radical, then we can see our own nature.”

白蓮座上現如來:「白者,北方之坎水,指水精古佛化身的祖師(現今則是  淨蓮祖師)在祂的蓮座上,才能看到自己的本然面目,現出如來之心」。

The meaning of ‘Stay at the white lotus seat the original nature flow’ is, “White   represents “Kan” Water at north.  It indicates that only when the Living Patriarch Jing Lian sits on the lotus seat to show us the way, we will be able to let our original nature flow freely.”


Therefore, after the 1st Patriarch of White Era, all patriarchs are of Water radical and Fire radical, they work together in its continuity throughout White Era without interruption.  Buddha’s prediction couplet left the hidden messages in it thousand years ago.  As far as the Ten Words Divine Mantra of Holy Cross extends through the three worlds has been verified in many sutras.  Thus, the Tao initiation and the Patriarch are truly Heavenly mandated, assured us that we can transcend through life and death.


The Living Teacher hands down the three treasures for regaining our original nature.  A Living Teacher must accumulate “Tao, Principle, and Heavenly Mandate” all three are true in Him to hand down the three treasures, open our Heavenly Portal to transcending through life and death.  Therefore, Tao initiation is to acquire the three treasures.


The priest who performed the ritual of Tao initiation looks the same as us, nothing really special.  He is not the Living Teacher.  How can he pass down the three treasures to us?  As a matter of fact, his appearance looks about the same as us, hut he is a great virtuous man represent our Patriarch.  He is Heavenly mandated by the Patriarch.  He also represents the Patriarch accordingly.  We call him “Dao Shi”.  Because he is Heavenly mandated and as a representative for the Patriarch, he can perform the ritual to invite Buddha to the temple.  Thus, all evil spirits dare not to disturb the order in the temple.

唯有真天命祖師的道盤,才能神人合一、人天共辦。剛剛道師已經代理祖師傳授正法一指正竅,把九蓮聖道的三寶傳給了我們,從今以後我們就是  圓普老祖師、淨蓮祖師的弟子,我們都是一師之徒了。

Only the orders of Tao on Earth with the Heavenly mandated Patriarch can join Heaven and man as one, thus joint efforts of Heaven and man are achieved.  Dao Shi just represented the Patriarch and passed down the True Dharma to open the Heavenly Portal.  The three treasures of Nine Lotus Sacred Tao were all passed down to you.  We are all the disciples of Senior Patriarch Yuan Pu and Patriarch Jing Lian from now on.