道場聖刊      經典寶藏


2020-10-08 16:23:52

What is the eleven solemn oaths



  It is the “White Era” at present. The worldwide salvation has been opened to everyone as the Tao descended to household level. With the mercy of Heaven, we may attain the message of TAO first, then cultivate ourselves. For those who wish to attain the message, they must be led by an introducer and a sponsor. The introducer and sponsor guarantee that those people have honourable background and good character, and pledge to them that the Sacred Tao of Nine Lotus is the true dharma, not any cult or heretical sect, and do not defraud their money, or else, the introducer and sponsor will be subject to Heavenly law investigation and serious thunder punishment.



In the same token, the purpose to attain the initiation in TAO today is to attain Buddhahood. W humbled ourselves to kneel down in front of Buddha to take an oath, to show our deepest sincerity. The priest would then pass on the message of three treasures to us. As all previous Sages or Buddha in ancient, took the oath, honoured the oath, practiced according to the oath, and finally enlightened. Therefore, we are required to take an oath as well. What oath should we take then? The eleven solemn oaths. 


As we all know, Oath is the necessary requirement to achieve enlightenment. After we took an oath, we can sense the induction from Buddha and let us regain the wisdom. The Heavenly induction will then help us avoid and prevent catastrophe. Buddha cannot liberate three types of beings: those without affiliated fate, those without faith and those without a will of oath. Today we are fortunate to be led by our introducer and sponsor to enter The Sacred Tao of Nine Lotus which is not a cult or heretical sect. We took the eleven sacred oaths to show our sincerity, to become the disciple of the present Patriarch. To achieve enlightenment, we simply need to keep and carry out our oaths from now onwards.



明明上帝蓮下(坤:皇蓮下),今天願求九蓮聖道,性理真傳,得道以後,誠心保守,實心懺悔(坤:實心修煉),如有虛心假意,退縮不前,欺師滅祖,藐視前輩,不遵佛規,洩漏天機,匿道不現,不量力而為(坤:不實心修煉),不實行民主辦道者,願受  雷律察咎。

What is the eleven solemn oaths then? Today before the priest passed on the three treasures to us, we knelt in front of Buddha and read aloud a series of oaths:

Male (Female) _________ humbly knelt down in front of

The Holy God (M: Ming Ming Shang Di - F: Huang Mu), today wish to pursue The Sacred Tao of Nine Lotus, the true path of nature. after the initiation of TAO, will sincerely uphold, truly repent (F: truly practice), if otherwise, I, not being sincere, cower and hold back, deceive the Patriarch and disrespect the ancestors, scorn on the elders, disobey the buddha’s regulation, divulge the heavenly secret, not propagating TAO, not fully commit to TAO (F: not truly practice), not becoming a democratic Tao practitioner, will be fully scrutinized by your conscience.


Below is a brief explanation for understanding of our eleven solemn oaths:

一、           誠心保守:抱道奉行,為道而生,為道而死。


1. Sincerely uphold: to embrace and pursue TAO unconditionally, life or death.

When a great man heard of TAO, he held it firmly and never let go.’  It means when a wise person acquires TAO, he will forever embrace and pursue TAO with upmost sincerity.

We are reincarnating within the six domains of samsara and four types of birth because we have lost the precious TAO within us and we do not know TAO. Today, we are fortunate to acquire TAO. We should follow Sage Yan Hui’s spirit, when he learns of one good deed, he embraces it fully and never let go’, to realize it.

Another common saying is: “our thought can take us to heaven or take us to hell”. Therefore, we should know that to reborn in Tao can only be achieved through sincerity.  The Patriarch instructed us: “if we can maintain an incipient heart during TAO cultivation and propagation, we will eventually become enlightened.” Therefore, sincerity is crucial to become a Buddha, and also essential for Tao cultivating and propagating.

Today all of you have obtained precious TAO with no effort, you must be sincerely, diligently, and act according to benevolence and righteousness. Try to liberate others to obtain TAO as well. You must not get lost during good times, have faith at adversity. Behave consistently. It would be a great pity if you lose TAO again due to your perfunctory, careless and deceitful acts.

二、           乾:實心懺悔:實實在在懺前愆,悔後過。



2. Male: Sincere repent: In the name of goodness, repent past transgressions, regret present faults.

Female: Sincere cultivation: In the name of goodness, eliminate shortcomings, change bad tempers.

Our purpose of attaining TAO is to learn to be a Buddha, who is fully enlightened. To achieve this, we must be determined to turn over a new leaf. What must we do then? First, we need to repent past transgressions before we attain TAO and regret present faults. Next, we must always reflect and mindful of our attitude and behave around others, whether we dispute right and wrong being discriminative and illusive thoughts. We must also get rid of our temper, and humbly accept and follow the advice to us. The Patriarch once said: “The highest level of TAO cultivation is paying attention to its subtlety”. If we can reflect and repent our past transgressions, never repeat the same mistake twice, be kind, say nice things, do good deeds, always pursue to be better, and keep on self-cultivation, we will definitely reach enlightenment, and let our bodhi wisdom flow naturally. When our Bodhi wisdom flows naturally, we become Buddha. 

三、           不虛心假意:真心真意,不虛偽,老實修行。


3. Be Sincere: Be truthful, not being hypocritical, honestly cultivate in TAO.

Our nuisance and stupidity are the roots for us not being able to see our Buddhahood, and the source to prevent us from showing constant wisdom. Sixty thousand years ago when we first descend upon earth, our mind is as Buddha, pure in heart, free from desire and craving. Human and Buddha are the same then. However, during the sixty thousand years on earth, we let our temperament control us, attach to bad habits, and lost our Buddhahood. We become mortal beings suffering in the bitter sea. Our Buddhahood has been concealed by our stupidity and we treat others with illusive and evil thoughts. Today, we are wise to know Tao is good and come and obtain TAO initiation. After obtaining TAO, we have to behave as Buddha to show our true self. Use our natural wisdom to subdue our evil thoughts, stop insincere act, be true to our self and practice cultivate in TAO honestly.

四、           不退縮不前:勇往直前,遇考驗不退大志。


4. Never cower and hold back: Courageously move forward.  Will not back up during difficult times

After obtaining TAO, we must be practical and strive for the best when learning TAO, adopt practice including diligence, forbearance, discipline, alms and devotion, wisdom to demand ourselves. We must never abandon TAO cultivation and practice even when we endure difficulties and ordeals in life. If we can maintain a positive attitude to learn TAO as stated above, it is “Never cower and hold back”. With that kind of determination to pursue the Tao, we will sense the presence of Buddha helping us and prevent the disruption from evil spirit.

五、           不欺師滅祖:繼師之志,行師之道。


今天大家既然都已經成為  圓普老祖師、  淨蓮祖師的弟子,就應該謹記師恩、體師之心、遵師之訓、繼師之志、效師之行、行師之道、了師之愿、永不變心永不變節,如此才是沒有欺師滅祖。

5. Will not cheat and disrespect the Patriarch: carry on the Patriarch’s ambition and follow the Patriarch’s guidance in TAO

They are many meanings as to not cheat and disrespect the Patriarch. In simple terms, it means not to betray the Patriarch with Heavenly mandate, not to disrespect the priest, instructor, introducer and sponsor, or to leave the Patriarch and join another religion. In subtle terms, this means we are unable to understand the Patriarch’s vision, unable to understand the meaning of TAO and unwilling to propagate the truth.

Today as we have become the apprentice of Patriarch Yuan Pu and Patriarch Jing Lian, we should always remember their grace, understand their thoughts, comply with their teaching, continue their ambition, follow their task, practice their message of TAO, fulfil master’s wish, devote and remain loyal to the Patriarch. With this, we are then considered not being cheat and disrespect the Patriarch.

六、 不藐視前人:感謝前人、敬重前人、追隨前人。


6. Do not scorn on the elder: Be grateful, be respectful, follow the elder

The elder referred as the senior in the temple. With a noble heart for the sake of freeing living beings from "sea of bitterness; ocean of suffering", they dedicate whole-heartedly and undergo long and exhausting journey to carry out universal salvation. Even the sage, Buddha and divine beings from the divine realm are moved by their benevolence. We are here today to acquire the eternal Tao is due to their selfless scarification and dedication, therefore we express our gratitude and repay them for their grace, we must not disrespect and disdain them. Instead we should embrace great ambition, follow these elders’ footstep to continue their path, to protect and maintain and propagate the ‘Truth’, maintain good relationship with elder and junior, shoulder the responsibility to develop and create new territory of faith, to liberate those possess the willingness to pursue Tao. With this, we can truly say we practice “Do not scorn on the elder.”

七、 遵守佛規:實踐修道者成佛應遵守的規矩戒律 


7. Obey and uphold rules of Buddhahood: A practitioner of Tao should obey and uphold the rules and commandments in order to achieve Buddhahood.

To Obey and upheld rules of Buddhahood is a necessity requirement as a practitioner of Tao, as they not only referred to precise Etiquette in the temple, it also includes rules and commandments announced in concert with Heaven promulgated by the present Patriarch. From ancient, cultivators achieved Buddhahood went through rigorously obeying and upholding the rules and commandments. Nowadays we do not need to endure such hardship yet easily attain the great Tao. Since we did not cultivate in Tao, we may easily overindulge ourselves due to momentarily conveniences, and behave unreasonably. The reason we pursue Tao and cultivate Tao today is to amend our unreasonable behavior, via following ’Fifteen Rules of Buddhahood’, Ten Commandments, ‘Eight Noble Ways, ‘ Six Ultimateness’, ‘Eight Awareness’ promulgated by the present Patriarch, to prudent our thought and manner in daily Iife, as well as being a role model of practitioner of Tao for others. 

八、 不洩漏天機:道師所傳之三寶,不可洩漏。

三寶乃是上天不輕傳的密寶,只有求過道的人才可以知道,如果隨便向他人或親友等公開三寶,就是洩露天機。即便是來到佛堂,就算是點上佛燈也是不能說的,一定要經過請壇的儀式,如果未請壇就用文字或言語透露三寶,這也是洩露天機,洩露天機,必遭  雷律察咎,所以大家不可洩漏三寶。

8. Do not divulge the Heavenly secret: The three treasures passed down by the priest must not be divulged.

The three treasures are Heaven secret that is not easily passed down, we can only make known to those attained Tao. If we unmindfully disclosed it to our friends and family or any third party, it is divulging the Heavenly secret. Only we after we go through the ‘QING TAN’ ceremony we can reveal the three treasures, otherwise even if we are at the temple with the altar lamps on, revealing the three treasures either through words or writing is considered as divulging the Heavenly secret. Those whom divulge the Heavenly secret will certainly leads to thunder law’s investigation Therefore, we must not divulge the Heavenly secret.

九、 不匿道不現:廣度眾生靈根慧命,救人一命,功德無量。


9. Do not hide away from Tao: Save all beings to regain their original nature and wisdom. Save a person’s spiritual life accumulates immeasurable merits.

[Great Tao is the salvation for mankind during the age of Jeopardy]. When the world is sinking, save it with Tao.” During this time of great urgency, the Heaven benevolently bestow Tao to the world, so that we can achieve eternality via first attain the essence of Tao and then cultivate in Tao. To express our gratitude to Heavenly grace, we must follow suit Heavenly way and carry on the ambition of our Patriarch, to propagate the Sacred Tao of Nine Lotus to the world and carry out universal salvation to all beings. Buddha states, “saving a person life is better than building Seven story pagoda.”  There is no Buddha or Sage in Heaven without any merits. Since we are fortunate to attain the essence of Tao, we should follow suit Buddha’s benevolence, free living beings from suffering of life and death and calami, to attain eternality. Moreover, we all have a Master living inside of us, it is the original nature bestowed by the Creator of the Universe. We must let it step out to act according to its ethics and benevolence, dedicate to Temple undertakings, service the society. This is what it means by “Do not hide away from Tao.”


十、           乾:量力而為 -- 素位而行,鞠躬盡瘁,死而後已。

     坤:誠心修煉 -- 認理實修,信心堅定,內外兼修。


10. Male: act to the best of one's ability --- act according to one’s duty, give one's best until death.

Female: practice and cultivate in Tao sincerely --- Hold onto the truth and cultivate accordingly with firm faith. Cultivate both within and without.

Simply stated, Not acting to the best of one's ability and do not practice and cultivate in Tao sincerely is not doing one’s best in cultivation and practice. All sorts of excuses or reasons to say that; it is too difficult and too busy to study, cultivate and practice in Tao.  Fail to study principles, do not get close to the members in the Temple, no worship or ceremony in the Temple, it is imposable to make any progress in Tao. From ancient, it is not easy to acquire the message of Tao, yet Heaven benevolently carry out universal salvation now, It would be a great pity if we do not act to the best of one's ability, do not practice and cultivate in Tao sincerely.

十一、    實行民主辦道:自由、平等、虛位。


11. Implementation of democracy in propagation of Tao: liberty, equality, Virtual position:

The main ideology in Democracy in propagation of Tao is ‘Loyalty and merciful’ instead of preference of one’s judgment. Democracy in propagation of Tao advocates the following principles; when the opportunity to propagate Tao arise, we naturally have the urge to assist others to attain enlightenment, make every aspect satisfactorily, be concerned, mindful, and care for posterity’s needs, must not behave arrogantly, provide equality in every aspect, must not be a self-centered authority, or treat others based on our selfish preference, nor suppress posterity’s development. With that they are able to unleash their full potential, and achieve accomplishment subsequently become part of the Sacred Tao of Nine Lotus, thus employ their full potential and contribute their talent to propagate Tao. This is the true meaning of implementation of democracy in propagation of Tao.


When people learned about “thunder law’s investigation”, they feared that if they pursued Tao but later on do not strive to cultivate Tao, retribution will fall upon them hence hesitate to pursue Tao. Thunder law’s investigation is only a self-conscience reproachful process. If we made a mistake or did things awful against others, we would be condemned by our guilty conscience.  For in more severe cases, we will be tried in court on earth, and undergo judgment after death. This is the true meaning of “thunder Law’s investigation”. As you can see, this investigation is entirely our own doing, not as a result of pursuing Tao. When we pursue Tao and become disciple of present Patriarch, in order to free us from further reincarnation or Saṃsāra, to indicate our determination to pursue Tao, Heaven benevolently stipulated that one must vow before attaining the essence of Tao. As long as we carry out our oaths, naturally we will not be subject to thunder law’s investigation. We will enter the Pure Land of Guan Yin upon our physical death, hence worry free.


The eleven solemn oaths promulgated by the Patriarch is the perfect criterion to practice Tao, it’s specific and realistic. Today, in front of Buddha we pledged with utmost sincerity to pursue the Sacred Tao of Nine Lotus, and took an oath to accomplish Buddhahood. and Since we have made a pledge, in order to realize it, we must follow through. the ceremony, the priest proclaimed, “If your oath is not fulfilled, it is difficult to return to Heaven.” Therefore we must remember to follow through our pledge, or else when death falls upon us, we will end up with nothing. Originally, we have the opportunity to accomplish Buddhahood, yet due to our own negligence, it will be too late to regret then.