道場聖刊      經典寶藏


2020-10-08 16:45:18

The Third Treasure: The Contract (Zi Hai Jue)






另外,這個子、亥合起來也是一個「孩」字,意思即是在啟示著我們都是  老母娘的孩子,應該要守著像嬰孩般純善無惡的 佛心才能跟  老母娘在一起,所以耶穌聖人也說:「手抱嬰兒見上帝。」


















The Third Treasure: The Contract (Zi Hai Jue)


An officer is recognized by his official seal. A cultivator is recognized by the “contract” to Heaven. “Contract” is the great seal leads to Heaven, it is also called “Hand Seal”, also known as ‘handprint’, or ‘Zi Hai jue’. The contract is passed on by the Enlightened master.


Once you hold the ‘zi hai jue’ in your hands and hold it to your chest all twelve time periods, Tao will be there with you to keep you safe and away from disasters.


How will holding the contract (zi hai jue) keep you away from disaster? While holding the contract, we are holding heaven and earth in our hands. The twelve time periods are listed below:


ZI(子)  CHOU(丑) YIN(寅) MAO(卯) CHEN(辰) SI(巳)  WU(午) WEI(未) SHEN(申) YOU(酉) XU(戌) HAI (亥)


Therefore, holding Zi Hai together, we are also holding the life count of the heaven and earth in our hands, we automatically transcend through limited time and space, out of the control of five elements. That means, we are stepping into infinity.


During the Green Yang Era, the contract was ‘a single palm prayer and worship’ as the credential to free us from nine disasters.


During the Red Yang Era, the way of worship is ‘both palms together in prayer and worship’ as the credential to free us from eighteen disasters.


Now is the White Yang Era, the way of worship is both palms holding the ‘zi hai jue’ together in our arms as a White Lotus Root, to pray and worship. This will enable us to stay away from eighty-one disasters.


The words ‘zi’(子)  and ‘ hai’(亥)  when they are put together means ‘child’(孩) .  This inspired us that we are the children of Our Mother in Heaven. We should be sincerely adhering to the original pure spirit as a baby and return to Our Mother in Heaven.


In the Holy Bible, Book Matthew 18:3, said Jesus Christ, “Verily I say unto you, except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of Heaven.”


Other confirmation hints: The goddess of mercy statue holding the baby,hints the sign of holding ‘zi hai jue’ is the person received Tao.  Buddha always gives the sign to all people that at the turn of ‘wu’‘wei’ ,the salvation of mankind at household level will arrive from heaven. Every individual needs to search and receive, in order to succeed in Tao. All these can be used as seals for the credential.


Since ancient times, the so-called ‘secret treasure’, also referred to the three treasures ‘guan, jue, yin’(關、訣、印) is not allowed to be passed to one another easily.


Whether alive or dead, the three treasures always need to be surely remembered. This is because when we die, our spirits will have to pass the Southern Heaven Door that leads to the GuanYin Pure Land at Zi Yang Gateway (紫陽關). 


At the Gateway, the following information will be verified;  The three treasures you learned today,  the information on your Tao card including (we receive Tao card on the day that we receive Tao from the Tao Preacher), including the introducer (引師) 、the guarantor (保師) 、the priest (道師) and the date on the card.


When all details are verified, you can then proceed to the Guan Yin Pure Land. Therefore, it is important to memorize those data. In addition, it is better to carry the card with you and properly safeguard it.  You will be surely protected and blessed.


However, please remember that even though you have received the three treasures, you were only registered in heaven, qualifies you going to Heaven. But, whether you can be enlisted in the group of Immortal spirits, depends on your efforts in daily cultivation. 


This is what is meant by ‘Receive the messages of Tao first and cultivate afterwards. (先得後修).  Therefore, the Patriarch kindly stated, “Besides Tao is true, Principle is true, Heavenly mandate is true, Cultivation and Practice should also be true.”  


When we acquire the truth, we cultivate and practice according to the truth, we get relieved from suffering and reincarnation. Otherwise, if we receive the truth without cultivating according to the truth, committing sins, besides subject to our guilty conscience, we will also be sent back to hell and to be questioned and punished in hell according to the retributions for our sin.


Also, the three treasures are the secret of White Yang Era. As the saying goes, “do not leak the Heavenly secret”.


When the priest delivers the three treasures, the Buddha lamps must be lighted, all the Buddhas from heaven are invited to guard the Temple.


Therefore, once we receive three treasures, we must keep in mind, do not disclose the three treasures to our parents, wife, children or relatives. If we want them to receive the three treasures, the correct way is to invite them to the temple, and acquire the message of Tao.


Use the three treasures simultaneously: with eyes 80% close, 20% open, pay mindfulness attention at the heavenly portal, meditating the ten words Mantra, holding the contract with both hands at the chest, no gaps between the fingers.


By using the three treasures at the same time, all Buddhas would agree with the three treasures, help will be around to solve or minimize the problems. But keep in mind that only use the three treasures together simultaneously when it is beyond our own capacity or we are in a dangerous disaster situation.