道場聖刊      經典寶藏


2020-10-08 17:03:29

Guangyin Jingdu


In the earlier chapters, we mentioned that everyone who has received the Three Treasures today, will eventually transcend life and death and attained Guangyin Jingdu after he or she passed away, as long as he or she is able to follow and act wholeheartedly with an absolute tranquil and clear mind. So, what kind of place is Guangyin Jingdu actually?  Where is it? How did it come about? Right! No one has ever heard of it, so how can one go there when one pass away? Everyone must be curious about it. In fact, Guangyin Jingdu, pronounced as was chronicled in the Beihua Sutra over two thousand years ago. However, as the timing was not right, it was not established then. Now, we are going to introduce the place we will stay when we go home, that is, our sacred territory of Tao, “Guangyin Jingdu”.


Before we introduce Guangyin Jingdu, we will first introduce our Patriarch with the metaphysical order of Tao : “The Supreme King of Puguang Merit Mountain, Goddess of Guangyin”.   


Long before the time of turbulences, where there was no partition of Heaven and Earth, in the space of the Universe, there were five ancient immortals who are the true Kings of Buddha. They are: King of Buddha of Water essential from unfathomable Black heavenly palace, King of Buddha of Fire essential from unfathomable Red heavenly palace, King of Buddha of Wood essential from unfathomable Green heavenly palace, King of Buddha of Metal essential from unfathomable White heavenly palace, and King of Buddha of Earth essential from unfathomable Yellow heavenly palace. These five ancient immortals lead the five elements of energy, they are the Kings of Buddha, both eternal and immortal.


After the Earth evolved, Heaven and Earth were separated, of the five Kings of Buddha, Buddha of water essential and Buddha of fire essential, incarnated in billions of the identity to live in the mortal world in every era, to carry out the mission of salvation, to liberate human beings. Goddess of Mercy, whom we are all familiar with, was the re-incarnate of Tathāgata who clearly understands the true law, who was in turn, the incarnate of Buddha of water essential. The affinity was as follows:


In the past era, Buddha of water essential incarnated as Tathāgata and appeared in the mortal world to preach Tao. At that time, Buddha Sakyamuni was the disciple of Tathāgata. During the present era, in the Red Era, Buddha Sakyamuni was given the order to preach Tao to the mortal world. As the saying goes, once a Buddha descends the mortal world, a thousand Buddha will appear. Therefore, Tathāgata incarnated as Princess Miaoshan and became the disciple of Buddha Sakyamuni, following his spirit of compassion to liberate the world, and attained the status of Goddess of Mercy glorified by the world.


Goddess of Mercy Guangyin continued to exercise compassion in helping those in misery and distress, and further attained the Buddha status, till today, is one of the metaphysical Patriarchs with the Sacred Tao of Nine Lotus, who resembles a kind mother and whom we acknowledged as the “Mother of Buddha”.  




                      With the beginning of the distinctive White Era, in accordance with Bo-shin of lunar calendar, on 23 February, the year of 77, Republic of China, Guanyin, Mother of Buddha, was endowed with the mission to appear before the mortals to deliver a wonderful message, in the name of The all mighty God in utmost clarity and holiness, shining to all directions in three worlds, the supreme power over all spirits in the Universe, said, ”In the year of  Heavenly calendar of Ding Mao (11pm and 1am), the midnight of  September 1st, I have attained supremacy in righteousness, named “King of Puguang Gongdeshang Buddha Rulai” and succeeded from Amitābha to embark on a mission to liberate the spirits, human beings and souls of the three worlds. Bestowed with the supreme power from the respected and sacred Mighty God, governor of three worlds, I established Guangyin Jingdu, an area of more than 10 trillion sacred lands in the West, where there is no miseries of the mortals, where only deities and immortals live.


One who has received the “ten golden words mantras”, achieved inner peace without delusion, propagate the Truth, leads people back to the Truth, he will have an incredible meritorious rewards. On his deathbed, buddhas, deities and immortals from Guangyin Jingdu will come to receive him, in a flick of a finger, he immediately returns to Guangyin Jingdu.


Those Tao followers who distant themselves from the devils (NOTE 1) and heretics (NOTE 2), connect to the true Tao lineage and never turn their back, will also conceive incredible contribution and return to Guangyin Jingdu when pass on.    



From the above, we know that Guangyin Jingdu was established on September 1st of lunar calendar, it is the year of 76 of Republic of China calendar, by our metaphysical Patriarch, Guanyin, Mother Buddha, bestowed with the supreme power from our Mighty God, and attained supremacy in righteousness to succeed from Amitābha. 



Guangyin Jingdu is an area of more than 10 trillion sacred lands in the West. It is incomparably secluded, extremely genuine, virtuous and beautiful, there is no miseries of the mortal world, where all the buddhas, deities and immortals live. As long as one receives the “Ten words of Divine Mantra” with absolute tranquility in mind, imparts the truth of Tao and guide people to pursue Tao, his moral merit will be incredible. How incredible will it be? It means, when one is on his deathbed, the immortals and buddhas from Guangyin Jingdu will lead and show him the way, in the blink of an eye, to Guangyin Jingdu and he will be able to enjoy eternal happiness.  


Also, as long as one distant himself from the devils (NOTE 1) and heretics (NOTE 2), acknowledges the Truth and practices Tao, follows the Patriarch with the Earthly order of Tao through the true Tao Lineage in practising and preaching Tao, and never ever turn back, then he will be taken directly to Guangyin Jingdu upon his death, and will truly transcend life and death.


Above is the affinity of Guangyin Jingdu. Guangyin Jingdu has been established, today, we are fortunate to receive Guanyin’s “Ten words of Divine Mantra” through the authenticity of Nine Lotus of Sacred Tao, and pledge to follow the footsteps of our Patriarch with the Earthly order of Tao, to liberate the mortals. We must practise and preach Tao sincerely and wholeheartedly from now on, reach out to the people we meet in life, propagate Nine Lotus of sacred Tao. In this way, we will be able to return to Guangyin Jingdu after we pass on, and have an opportunity to attain the Buddha status, this golden opportunity is exceptionally difficult to come by, please cherish it, everyone.


NOTE 1.: devils are defined as; Those who harbor crafty intentions in cultivating and preaching, impair followers’ spiritual growth, misguide fellow devotees to the wrong path are regarded as devils.


NOTE 2.: heretics are defined as; Those who doing good deeds and being charitable but attaching to their efforts and merits, having no intention to search for the original essence of the truth, are thus, regards as heretic.